Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Prints For Sale!

I mentioned it in the last message, but I thought I'd bring it up again. I have etchings for sale! Large robot prints "Brush My Hair", and smaller figure drawing prints "Untitled: Male Figure" $50.00 for large prints, $30.00 for small prints. I think I have about five robots, and seven bodies. Feel free to email me or send me a facebook message. 

Beaver, Bear, and Frog Shirts!

Hullo There! 
It's Post-Spring Show n Sale. I have left overs, a few robot prints, several male nude prints, and a couple coin purses. But, I have no Tee Shirts! They SOLD OUT. I've had a few orders placed, and am willing to make many more for the second installation. So, I'll attach lots of pictures. Send me an email or facebook message to place an order. Include name, size, animal, and color (if you want, no guarantees.) I'll talk to y'all soon!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Show N Sale!

It's that time of year! When all of us poor art students  gather up all the things we've made over the year and put our blood-sweat-and-tears into, and try and sell it all for chump change! That's right, it's the annual ACAD show and sale. 
I myself have lots of things to offer, prints of naked men, and women and robots, silkscreened shirts, pillows, and hand knit vegetable themed coin-purses. (Cos who doesn't want to keep all their dimes in a radish?) So come on down to the show and sale this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and toss your hard-earned disposable income at an art student or two. (Since ARTIST= STARVING and STUDENT= STARVING, so ART STUDENT= STARVING STARVING.) It'll be the best for both of us. And if you can't make it, I can always let you have dibs on the left overs. 
See you soon! Cheers!
