Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Show N Sale!

It's that time of year! When all of us poor art students  gather up all the things we've made over the year and put our blood-sweat-and-tears into, and try and sell it all for chump change! That's right, it's the annual ACAD show and sale. 
I myself have lots of things to offer, prints of naked men, and women and robots, silkscreened shirts, pillows, and hand knit vegetable themed coin-purses. (Cos who doesn't want to keep all their dimes in a radish?) So come on down to the show and sale this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and toss your hard-earned disposable income at an art student or two. (Since ARTIST= STARVING and STUDENT= STARVING, so ART STUDENT= STARVING STARVING.) It'll be the best for both of us. And if you can't make it, I can always let you have dibs on the left overs. 
See you soon! Cheers!


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